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As ParaMed continues to grow the volume of care and services we provide, serving more than 65,000 clients across Canada each year, the vital partnership with our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) remains central to our mission of providing people with the care they need, wherever they call home. 

Our dedicated PFAC (also known as the Council) volunteers, who include past and present patients and family members, offer invaluable insights and personal experiences. Their feedback helps co-design new programs and refine existing ones, with a focus on patient-centered care. 

In the past year, thanks to the Council’s input, we have made several meaningful improvements our work 

Recruiting new ParaMed PFAC members 

 ParaMed’s PFAC is recruiting new members. The Council plays a critical role in ensuring that patient and family perspectives drive the decisions that impact patients’ experiences 

ParaMed leaders value this collaboration with patients, clients, and family caregivers. Click the links below to hear from some of our team as they share their experiences working together with the Council, and how this partnership has made a positive impact.  

If you are passionate about improving home health care and want to make a difference, consider joining our Patient and Family Advisory Council. You can email or to learn more and express your interest, visit our website by clicking here: ParaMed Patient and Family Advisory Council