Respite Care and Caregiver Relief
Respite Care at Home
Respite is essential to strengthening the ability of families and primary care givers to continue to provide extraordinary care in their home.
Taking care of a loved one in need can be a very rewarding experience. As a caregiver, you provide much-needed assistance and comfort to someone who may have given you the same kind of care in your youth. At times you may need to take a short break to deal with personal matters, run errands or focus on your own needs. That’s when respite care comes to the rescue. At ParaMed, respite care can meet a broad range of situations. It could be something you take advantage of once a week in order to buy groceries, or it could be something you rely on once a year while you take a vacation. In‑home care can provide light housekeeping services, personal hygiene care and daily medical attention. There are many benefits to consider when thinking about using one of these services.
One important function of respite care is that it allows you to take a break from being a caregiver so that you can manage the other important responsibilities in your life. The Alzheimer’s Association said that people often use respite care to give them time to run errands during the week. If you’re taking care of someone with dementia, leaving him or her alone could cause you a great amount of stress. By leaving him or her with a professional, you can go about your business without being constantly plagued by worry.
In week-to-week situations, respite care can be flexible. No one’s life is so well-structured that they can plan everything in advance. It would also be unfair to expect that a caregiver completely give up his or her own social needs. You should be able to live a full and functional life while also serving as a caretaker – respite care services make this possible. Appropriately trained ParaMed staff will meet the care and support needs for both short-term and longer-term periods.
Home Care Packages Designed for You
To make life easier for caregivers and clients, we have created simple service packages based around the needs of your family.

Our Rise N' Shine package helps you or your loved one start their day by offering assistance with morning personal care, assistance with dressing and other daily tasks.

Our Out & About package provides the opportunity to you or your loved one to continue with everyday activities that are cherished and/or needed with the assistance of a ParaMed caregiver.

In the home or in a setting of choice, our Caregiver Freedom package provides an opportunity for families and primary caregivers to ‘take a break’ from the daily delivery of care and support of their loved one.

ParaMed’s Memory Care package provides peace of mind to clients and families managing and coping with the daily challenges associated with a loved one’s loss of memory and some cognitive challenges.
Let’s Start Your Free In‑Home Care Assessment Today
ParaMed helps families with dignified care from familiar faces.