Specialized Care
Specialized Services at ParaMed
There are many illnesses, diseases, injuries, and situations where a person requires care that can be considered as “specialized”. The reason being that these situations require some particular considerations to be taken into account when providing care to such patients. At ParaMed, we recognize these situations and the special considerations that are unique to these cases. We realize that the caregivers in such conditions need to have special training, a specific personality and/or a specialized expertise. We have therefore developed several specialized home care services programs which include the following:
- Dementia Care: This program provides support to clients and families managing and coping with the daily challenges associated with dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. Our trained staff will provide dignified and respectful personal care and companionship with a focus on building relationships in a safe environment. In addition, this program provides an opportunity for caregiver relief.
- Occupational therapy: Assistance with strategies for daily activities and equipment needed to maintain independence such as wheelchairs, walkers and bathroom equipment
- Physiotherapy: Advice and assistance with fall prevention and exercise programs to maintain strength, balance and mobility
Social Work: Provide help and guidance with financial and other situations that help make transitions easier - Pediatric care and Child services: Assistance with families of children dealing with difficult childhood diseases. Services include intravenous care, health teaching, medication management and respite.
- Dieticians: Education and assistance with nutrition and dietary questions and concerns
Home Care Packages Designed for You
To make life easier for caregivers and clients, we have created simple service packages based around the needs of your family.

Our Rise N' Shine package helps you or your loved one start their day by offering assistance with morning personal care, assistance with dressing and other daily tasks.

Our Out & About package provides the opportunity to you or your loved one to continue with everyday activities that are cherished and/or needed with the assistance of a ParaMed caregiver.

In the home or in a setting of choice, our Caregiver Freedom package provides an opportunity for families and primary caregivers to ‘take a break’ from the daily delivery of care and support of their loved one.

ParaMed’s Memory Care package provides peace of mind to clients and families managing and coping with the daily challenges associated with a loved one’s loss of memory and some cognitive challenges.
Let’s Start Your Free In‑Home Care Assessment Today
ParaMed helps families with dignified care from familiar faces.
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Trusted home care support is right around the corner.
Let's get started today for a better tomorrow.
How it works:
Let's Get Started
Customized In‑Home Care Services
Help at Home
Nursing at Home
Respite Care and Caregiver Relief
Live-In Care
Specialized Care

Let's Start your Care Plan Today for a Better Tomorrow